English Cafe
Learn English with friendly conversation facilitators. We have weekly meetings online and monthly meetings at a local coffee shop in Zgierz. All of these events are free to attend.
  • Do you want to learn to speak English but can't overcome the barrier?
  • Do you want to improve your English language, but you can't because of the lack of native speakers in your environment?
  • Do you want to learn a language but the lack of financial resources is closing the door for you?
  • Do you want to learn English but can't waste a lot of time traveling?

We have a great solution for you. We invite you to join English Cafe.

What do we offer you:

  • Meeting ONLINE every Wednesday at 6 pm on Zoom, so you don't have to waste time traveling;
  • The groups are led by native speakers from the States and Canada.
  • At our meetings, we talk on various topics, where you don't need to have a lot of vocabulary, just try to use the vocabulary you already know and learn new ones along the way;
  • We divide into small groups, which gives everyone the opportunity to talk and practice their English;
  • Meetings are absolutely FREE!

Join English Cafe and practice English. Don't miss a special occasion.

We invite people over 13 years of age!

How does it work?

  1. Sign up HERE.
  2. You will get more information by email about the meetings each week (Subject, link to the meeting on Zoom)
  3. We all get together and then break into small groups and speak English!